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Recognition for Don Bosco Tech Society at Quest Annual Summit 2016

Don Bosco Tech Society, participated in the “QUEST 2 Learn Annual Summit 2016” held from February 10 – February 12, 2016 at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore organized by Quest Alliance. DB Tech Society is a significant skill training partner of Quest Alliance out of its other 200 partners. The theme for this year’s Summit was ‘The Education | Skills Divide’. The third day i.e. February 12th was a workshop exclusively for QUEST partners. Two days program was interactive as it was facilitated with the discussion on role of new and emerging technologies that develop lifelong learning skills for young adults and educators based on the conference theme non- cognitive abilities are critical and need to be complemented with our learned cognitive skills.

Fr. Arul Maran, Director DBSM, Fr. Jeeson N, province coordinator for Kerala, Fr. Andrew, province coordinator for Tamil Nadu, Mr. Patrick Fernandes, State coordinator, Karnataka and few others represented Don Bosco Tech. It was also a day when Quest Alliance recognized few of their partners in the mission of skilling India and shaping the lives of youth. It was a pleasant moment for Don Bosco Tech Society, to witness recognition of our 5 centers in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Don Bosco Tech Makkalalaya, Mysuru, DB Tech Chitradurga, two centers in Kerala and one center in Tamil Nadu were awarded for their passion and commitment to help young people learn employable skills and start their careers. The awards were handed over by Mr. Akash, CEO of Quest Alliance on 10th February 2016, at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangaluru. During the conference the learning processes of Don Bosco Tech Society was well appreciated by many of those who were present. Especially, the process of mobilization, mid batch mobilization concept impressed them all. The concept of incorporating the trainees to be a part of the Don Bosco Tech Society’s drive for skilling India and shaping the lives of youth, by taking their help to vouch for the training they received and mobilize more students for the training was highly appreciated by other training partners of QUEST.

Participation in this conference gave us a wider perspective towards different ways of skilling. It was also a moment to feel proud that our system of training is recognized in the skill development sector.

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