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Community Development, Recent Events

Striking Gold- Sparking a Passion for Skills and Sustainability

The vocational skilling programme for marginalised youth began on 1 July 2023 at Don Bosco ITI, Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) with the objective of empowering disadvantaged youth through skill training in three domains: two-wheeler mechanics, tailoring, and beautician courses. The programme was officially concluded on 31 March 2024. During the span of nine months, 38 young people were enabled with vocational skills, opening up opportunities for jobs and self-employment. 

The two-wheeler mechanic course was started on 1 July 2023 for the duration of ten months. The comprehensive curriculum for the course covers the crucial aspects of two-wheeler mechanics and is scheduled for completion by April 2024. A total of 18 trainees are regularly attending the classes.

The beautician course was conducted in two batches. The first batch with 20 trainees started in August 2023 and the second batch with 18 trainees started in November 2023. All the trainees successfully completed the beautician course, among whom 29 trainees have started their self-employment ventures.  

The tailoring course was completed in two batches, reaching out to 80 trainees for a 3-month period each. The first batch was started in August 2023 and the second batch was started in November 2023 with 40 trainees each. Sixty nine (86.25%) trainees are self-employed, earning from home on a regular basis.

On the successful conclusion of the course, the tailoring and beautician trainees received their certification and seed capital. Sewing machines were distributed to the trainees of the tailoring course, while the trainees of the beautician course received vanity kits containing makeup and grooming items. These young people of Kolar Gold Fields are all set to strike gold in their lives through their own skills and effort.

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