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Plantation drive in Davanagere district

Don Bosco Davanagere planted 433 seedlings in eight gram panchayats in Davanagere taluk namely in Kadlebalu, Avaragolla, Hosabelavanuru, Turchaghatta, Kadajji, Alooru, Shiramagondanahalli and Ward 35. This campaign is in conjunction with the Karnataka Forest Department’s plantation drive; and as part of the initiative, Don Bosco Davanagere hopes to plant around 1000 trees in the coming days.

Headmasters, teachers, and students enthusiastically spearheaded the planting initiative, raising awareness about environmental conservation and the preservation of trees and forests.  Varieties of saplings such as almond, Indian beech, moringa, teak, and tamarind were planted. The students were very enthused and took responsibility for nursing and watering the seedlings, along with their teachers.

@aranya_kfd #FosterForestsforFuture

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