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Painting Activity by Morgan Stanley at Bosco Yuvaspandana

The walls of Yuvaspandana looked cheerful and bright as a group of young volunteers from Morgan Stanley painted and transformed the white walls to a beautiful green. Bosco Yuvaspandana at JC road serves as a community hall for children from the surrounding slums. They come here to play games and also to celebrate festivals and other celebrations. It provides a safe space for the children. The volunteers along with 10 children from Bosco also painted a small room which is going to serve as a computer centre where free computer classes will be provided. The children participated with enthusiasm and were delighted with the gifts that they received.

BREADS looks forward to greater collaboration with Morgan Stanley as its CSR partner, in creating a better world for children in need.

Click: https://youtu.be/opLL9GR0OeM

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