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CREAM, Recent Events

CREAM Evaluation Validation Meeting by BREADS

The external evaluation of CREAM project by BREADS implemented in 10 districts of Karnataka was inaugurated in October 2015, came to an end in the month of March 2016. BREADS organized the validation meeting for CREAM evaluation in the presence of the state team, Directors and Coordinators from 10 districts of Karnataka. Consulting agency DHRUVA, the Concern for Working Children summarized their evaluation of CREAM project in a nutshell to validation and discussion. The evaluation recapitulates the relevance, effectiveness, impact or outcome of CREAM interventions. The team DHRUVA, did field visit in 5 districts and workshops for staffs of all 10 districts to have a better understanding of the programme. Discussion with state team & consultants involved, interviews of stakeholders, FGD with beneficiaries, workshop for staff and observation during field visit were few methods used for evaluation.  A holistic report on the evaluation was presented with observation and suggestions on different segments of the programme. The feedback from the implementation team were considered and incorporated for the final evaluation reports. This meeting has also contributed in strategizing the activities for the second phase CREAM programme which is at the planning stage. The final evaluation report will be published in the following month for ponder.

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