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Children's projects, Educational Projects, Recent Events

Training Youth on Gender Equality

Don Bosco Veedu Society organised a training for youth at HHMSPB NSS College for Women, Neeramankara, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 24 January 2020.  The training was conducted to mark National Girl Child Day 2020 with the theme ‘Violence against Women and the need for Gender Equality in Education’, under the project Women Empowerment and Gender Equality (WEDGE), a BREADS’ project to reduce the violence and discrimination against women through awareness and advocacy. The objective of the training was to educate and mobilise youth to address the issue of violence and improve their knowledge on gender inequalities and its consequences.

Fr. Thomas PD, Director, CHILDLINE, Thiruvananthapuram inaugurated the programme. Ms. Vijayalekshmi, Coordinator, Women’s Studies cell, welcomed the dignitaries and the 80 student participants to the day’s sessions. She briefly outlined the activities of CHILDLINE and the importance of celebrating National Girl Child Day.  Dr. Jayasree P., Principal, HHMSPB NSS College for Women, encouraged the students to be vigilant and alert to prevent violence against women and children. Ms. Jisha Thyagaraj, Secretary, KANAL, conducted an interactive session on gender equality and woman empowerment, which was effective in providing information and inspiration to all present. On child issues and protective mechanisms, Mr. Immanuel Silas explained child-related laws, the different types of abuses faced by children and mechanisms for redressal. Ms. Zeena, Coordinator, WEDGE proposed a vote of thanks and concluded the programme with feedback from the participants.

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