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Observation of child rights week

BOSCO Bangalore inaugurated the Child Rights week at GHS, Sampangiramnagar (Kalyani School) on 14 November 2019. Fr. Regi Jacob, Director, BOSCO Nilaya presided over the inaugural function. The other chief guests present on the occasion were Ms. Shamantha, Head Mistress, GHS, Kalyani School; Mr. Ramaswamy, Coordinator-CREAM; Ms. Vinnarasi, social activist; Ms. Pushpa, tuition teacher; Ms. Kavya and Master Akash. A total of 67 people including children and adults participated in the programme. The programme started with a prayer song by Ms. Vinnarasi and all the staff members. Ms. Padmavathi, tuition teacher welcomed the gathering. The dignitaries inaugurated the programme by watering a plant. Mr. Ramaswamy enlightened the children about the UNCRC, its 30-year journey in upholding the rights and dignity of children. He also motivated the children to cultivate the habit of reading the newspaper. All the participants took an oath to respect and uphold the rights of everyone in keeping with the theme ‘all rights to all children’. Ms. Vinnarasi conducted a session on the child’s right to protection. Fr. Regi conducted an activity- oriented session on trustworthiness and importance of team spirit. The children were also taught child rights songs. The programme propagated the importance of the UNCRC and each one’s role in respecting and protecting the rights of others.

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