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Children's projects

Education and Nutrition Promotion Project for the slum children at Social Service Guild Bangalore

This project was started in 2012 in the slums and outskirt villages of Bangalore city by Social Service Guild, the Social Action Centre of Kristu Jyothi College Bangalore. The project aims to create a participatory model of Community Schooling by integrating the existing education, school and support systems. The project focuses on promoting child rights such as right to health and education. The project is promoting education among poor children by creating a learning environment in slums and urban settlements through evening tuition classes and nutrition programmes.

Achievements up to November 2013

  • Bi weekly nutrient foods were given to 600 poor children from the slums of Bangalore city .
  • More than 600 less privileged children were reached out through supplementary education which helped in improving their standard of education.
  • Reduced the school dropout rates and out of school children from the slums and outskirt settlements.
  • Through the project 186 school dropouts were readmitted in formal schools to continue their studies.
  • The parents of 600+ children were empowered and educated to send their children for better education and the development of the children.
  • The communities were empowered to take part in the education promotion programmes in the urban slums and settlements.
  • The project ensured the overall development of community living in the slum and settlements.

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