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Community Development, Recent Events, Women Empowerment

Effective prevention of violence against women and need for gender equality lessons in schools.

The Women Empowerment Drive and Gender Equality (WEDGE) project at Don Bosco Veedu Trivandrum organized a workshop for the stakeholders on 22-23 June, 2019 at PWD Rest House, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram. The workshop addressed the “Effective prevention of violence against women and need for gender equality lessons in schools”. Mr. Manual George, Programme Manager-Don Bosco Veedu Society, welcomed the gathering. The workshop was attended by 60 participants, namely, representatives from the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Child Welfare Committee, Nirbhaya Cell, Mahila Samakhya Society, Pink Police, Vanitha Cell, Sakhi, and Snehitha. The workshop was inaugurated by Advt. Jubia, Secretary and Sub Judge of District Legal Service Authority. The keynote address was rendered by Dr. T.K Anandi, Activist and Gender Advisor to the Government of Kerala. She stressed the need to overhaul every sphere to create a gender-sensitive society. “In spite of being a woman, Jhansi Rani joined the army and rode a horse, is the opening sentence of the lesson in school, to teach gender equality; in the same sentence we can find gender differentiation” said Ms. Anandi. The inaugural ceremony was presided over by Fr. PD. Thomas, Director of Don Bosco Veedu Society, Thiruvananthapuram.

Advocate J. Sandhya, Member, Human Rights Law Network was the resource person and she imparted knowledge on laws for protection of women, redressal measures available and existing gaps. During the session, the participants were divided into 4 groups to discuss and brainstorm on four different aspects of the problem: awareness creation, protection issues, prevention areas, protection of children affected by domestic violence.

The workshop concluded with a session by Prof. Antony Palakkal, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology.  Prof. Antony Palakkal summarized the findings and the way forward discussed during the sessions. The suggestions of the workshop included stricter enforcement of dowry prohibition, provision of paid maternity leave for female staff, strict implementation of laws to improve the quality of life of every woman in India. Further it was summarized that violence related to women should be recognised in both the public and private spheres. Ms. Elma, Coordinator, WEDGE project, proposed the vote of thanks to the resource persons and participants of the workshop.


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