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A stroll to secured childhood-Release of Child Rights Module and a Handbook on Child Rights Clubs by BREADS

‘The Child Rights Module’ and ‘the Handbook on Child Rights Clubs’ published by BREADS, Bangalore in collaboration with KSCPCR, UNICEF and Government of Karnataka is a pace for realizing the principles organized as policies in to practice. The Child Rights Module and the Handbook on Child Rights Clubs was released on the occasion of BREADS’ Silver Jubilee celebrations by Mr. Y. Mariswamy, Chairperson, Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR) and Mr. Sonykutty George, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF, Hyderabad. The first copy of the Module and the Handbook was presented to Ms. Susanne Artzt, Don Bosco Mondo Germany.

The Child Rights Module has adopted the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which consists of 41 articles, each of which details different type of rights of children. These rights are not ranked on the base of importance; rather interact with one another to form one integrated set of rights. Commonly these articles are grouped under these four themes; the Survival rights, Development rights, Protection rights and Participation rights. The Handbook on the Child rights Clubs has integrated the process of Child Rights Club formation and functioning to create a child friendly environment in schools. The Child Rights Module is bringing the children into the limelight to know their basic rights and advocate to attaining their rights.

The two resource books have evolved as a result of long strives for the protection of children’s rights through the project, CREAM (Child Right Education and Action Movement) since 2012. In spite of the unending efforts of the government, individuals, organizations and various stakeholders, the children in India still exist in negligence, exploited and unattended. CREAM since its inception has tried to address the various child rights violations in the society, with special focus given to the ten districts of Karnataka.

BREADS believes in the potentials of children to stand firm for protecting their own rights has developed the strategy to train, educate and create awareness among children on Child Rights to become the ambassadors of change. The Handbook on Child Rights Clubs has been published in the light of the circular by the Government of Karnataka which advises all the government aided and non-aided schools in the state to have Child Rights Clubs (CRC) formed to create a child friendly environment in schools. The handbook includes the guidelines to step by step process of formation of CRC in schools and the directions to lead advocacy for the promotion of child friendly society. The two resource books have imbibed the message of child rights protection at every aspect and emphasise the great responsibility laid on teachers, parents, leaders and the society to empower children to have a dignified life. The two books will be extensively used to impart child rights education to children in schools.

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