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Educational Projects, Recent Events

Endorsing the new potentials – Inauguration of batch 7 and certification of batch 6 students at DB BEST Academy, Bangalore

As said, a country’s ability and potential for growth is determined by the size of its youth population. Youth today need to be harnessed, motivated, skilled and streamlined to bring rapid progress for a country. When compared to the Asian countries, India having the largest distribution of youth population is a strong advantage to the contribution of the economic growth, considered the potentials are directed at the right optimum. 482 youth trained at DB BEST Academy in the previous batches is a remarkable contribution to the rising need of skilled workforce in accordance to the national urge.

On 23 November 2018 at the completion of batch 6, the certification and inauguration of the new batch 7 was organised at DB BEST Academy, Bangalore. The function marked the presence of Mr. Rakesh Gajaria, Vice President, Operational Tax Utility, Deutsche Bank, Bangalore, Fr. Joy, Executive Director, BREADS, Fr. Cyril John, Assistant Director, BREADS, Fr. Bince, Administrator, Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore, Mr. Joseph Pradeep, Centre Coordinator, DB BEST and Mr. Roshan, State Coordinator, DB Tech. The ceremony commenced at 11. 15 am with a prayer song and the welcome note was said by Mr. Joseph Pradeep. The chief guests lighted the lamp symbolising the inauguration of the ceremony. Mr. Rakesh Gajaria, the chief guest for the day specially congratulated the batch 6 students for their efforts and wished the new batch success while doing the inaugural address. He brought forth a sense of responsibility among students and reminded them the value of time and having hope in life at every situation, be it good or worst. Fr. Bince was the Guest of Honour for the day. He congratulated the students and also shared his personal experience during the time of words of blessings. Fr. Joy addressed the gathering and conveyed the message to utilise every opportunity as precious and congratulated the graduating students and Mr. Roshan felicitated the programme.

To add credibility, batch 6 has trained 57 to fill the skill gap relevant to the demand of the labour force and 96 more are enrolled to acquire training in batch 7. The 57 trained under batch 6 include 29 in hospitality, 9 in BPO and 19 in retail management. 43 among them are already placed at different organisations like Taj West End, Oberoi, Yes Bank, Big Basket and Café Coffee Day. The remaining students will also be placed very soon with prestige institutions to make sure that the trained youth are raised to a dignified life through decent earning. The new batch has ensured enrollment of 96 potential youth with 38 specializing in hospitality, 32 in retail management and 26 in BPO sector. The certification of the graduating batch was done by the chief guests and the day was followed by cultural events organised from the new batch. In connection with the new batch inauguration, the retail management students also arranged a food fest under the able guidance of Fr. Cyril Edamana and Ms. Lesilen, trainer, retail management. The retail fest provided the retail students a platform to apply in practice the theoretical knowledge that enhanced their customer management, organizing and marketing skills. The presence of 150 participants including students, staff and guests marked the success of the event and above all the trained youth are satisfied, content of the prospects received through the training at DB BEST Academy.

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