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Community Development, Educational Projects, Recent Events

Engaging in action to save mother earth

World clean up Day is a global social action programme aimed at combating the global solid waste problem. Trash and waste is an incontrovertible concern of the recent past due to unscientific management and utilization of resources. Don Bosco Makkalalaya, Mysore came forward to tackle and raise awareness on the most raised concern of the time and celebrated World clean up day on 15th September, 2018. The staff and children organized the one day event with great enthusiasm. The clean-up drive was marked by the presence of important dignitaries such as member of Mysore Corporation and the District Commissioner. The inaugural function was followed by a rally to convey the message of clean up and conservation of the planet.

The students, staff and teachers moved on the streets with placards of environment protection messages and banners. The message to reduce the use of plastics and to avoid one time usable plastics was strongly emphasised. Environment and conservation has to be made the priority of time and hence the message was strongly conveyed for public awareness. The children moved from Shivaji road through Maruthi circle, Mary’s road and reached Shivaji Park to clean up the park. Students were divided into teams for the cleaning activity. Mr. Asratulla, Local Corporator, Fr. Francis John, Director, Don Bosco Makkalalaya and Mr.Ravishankar, Engineer inaugurated the Cleaning drive along with Swachatha Day Banner and the whole program was guided under the able leadership of Fr. Francis John. The student participants were given away motivation awards for joining the great effort towards the cause. The police department marked their support for the whole event and also participated in the rally. The event has definitely created awareness among the public but the intense issue of waste management could only be possibly resolved if everyone pledges to make a difference at the practical level with regard to the disposal of solid waste. The clean up drive was thus complete with the active participation of many youth and 150 children who joined hands with Don Bosco Mysore in the mission.

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