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CREAM, Recent Events, Women Empowerment

Together we learn- Training for the teachers

BOSCO Bangalore organized two day training for the teachers under the CREAM project at BRC office Hosahalli, Vijayanagar on 18th and 19th September 2018. The training commenced with the lighting of the lamp. The dignitaries present on the occasion were Mr. Lohiteshwara Reddy, Block Education Officer South-2, Ms.Rekha, BRC, South-2, Mr. Verrappa, President, High School Teacher’s Association, Fr.Regi Jacob, Director, CREAM project, and Mr. Ramaswamy, Coordinator, CREAM project, Fr. Prasad, Director, Child Line. Mr. T.K. Prasanna Murthy and Mr. Ramchandra Bhat were the resource persons for the training.

Mr. Ramaswamy officially welcomed the dignitaries present on the dais and the participants from different schools. Bouquets were given to the dignitaries as a token of love.  Fr. Regi Jacob in his keynote address briefly introduced the activities of BOSCO, BREADS, CREAM project and Child Rights Clubs. He also mentioned the significance and aims of bringing together the core group of teachers for the two day training. It was followed by the speech from Mr. Lohitheswara Reddy in which he shared his personal experiences while working with BOSCO.

Mr. Prasanna Murthy handled the first session on methodologies and techniques of teaching through open discussion and group activities. During the Mr. Murthy explained the methods to teach Mathematics in a very simpler and effective manner. The open discussions helped the teachers to address the problems and difficulties in teaching. Post lunch Fr. Prasad took the sessions on UNCRC, Child rights, Child in vulnerable situation, types of vulnerability, Juvenile Justice Act, Juvenile Justice Board, Child Welfare Committee, Child Line, Special Juvenile Police Unit and Child Welfare Officers through the sharing of real life incidents.

On the second day, Ms. Rekha took a session on vocational skill training options for marginalized youth. It was followed by a session on the importance of teaching. Thereafter Fr. Regi addressed the participants with ten important life skills, through different activities, power point presentation and anecdotes. Mr.Ramchandra Bhat enlightened the teachers on methods and techniques of teaching science subjects by a demonstration of scientific experiments. At the end of the training, teachers expressed their cohesion and remarked that the sessions were informative and useful. The teachers were appreciative and pledged their support to BOSCO in the services provided by the center reaching out to the vulnerable and marginalized children. The event was drawn to conclude with the formal addressing of a vote of thanks by Mr. Ramaswamy.

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