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CREAM, Recent Events, Skill Training

Training on Advocacy and Networking at Don Bosco Yadgiri

A two days training was organised under CREAM project for the staff of CREAM and CHILDLINE from Don Bosco Center for Social Action (DBCSA) Yadgiri, Don Bosco Social Service (DBSS) Devadurga and Don Bosco Pyar Kalaburgi. The training intends to derive strategies and enhance the capacity of the staff to effectively facilitate advocacy actions to tackle the social issues and challenges faced in the districts of Yadgiri, Raichur and Gulbarga with collective effort at the macro level. Forty eight staff attended the training.

The training was held on 7th and 8th of August 2017 at Don Bosco Yadgiri. The training commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries- Mr.Ragavendra Bhat UNICEF, Fr. Saji George sdb, Rector, Don Bosco Society Yadgiri, Fr. Kuriakose sdb, Director of DBSS Devadurga, Fr. Saji sdb, Director of DB Pyar Gulbarga, Fr. George Kollashany sdb and representatives from the participants. The two day training covered topics on importance of advocacy actions, prevention of child marriage, educational empowerment, child labour, and prevention of human trafficking. Mr.Ragavendra Bhat, handled the sessions on both days covering the theoretical and practical aspects of advocacy actions and its implementation.

Each district presented the relevant issues and problems with real time case studies and statistics namely- Advocacy on Child Marriage Prevention by DB Pyar Gulbarga, Advocacy on Educational Empowerment by DBCSA Yadgiri and Child Labour and Prevention of Human Trafficking by DBSS Devadurga. The presentations were followed by the brainstorming session facilitated by Fr. George Kollashany and participants shared their knowledge and listed out the challenges faced at the grass root level and the way forward.

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