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Community Development, Recent Events

World Environment day at Don Bosco Hospet

Don Bosco Hospet celebrated the world environment dayon the 5th of June 2015 in collaboration with the Institution of Engineers (India). Since it was arranged by the Institution of Engineers (India) there were many engineers who had participated in the programme together with other dignitaries. It was a meaningful and informative celebration.

The programme began with a prayer song by the tech students. Followed by the welcome speech by Fr. Lawrence SDB, the Director of Don Bosco, in which he warmly welcomed all the dignitaries and the participants. Later Mr Prarthap Darmasagar Explained the importance of Environment and he did a presentation which explained that the world environment day is an annual event that is aimed at being the biggest and the most widely celebrated global day for positive environment action. He also briefed that now is the time to reflect not just about the challenges we face but on the many initiatives, small and large, that people are involved in the world over to make sure that the world becomes a better, safer and more equitable place for mankind.

As per the 2015 theme, for the world environment day “Seven Billion Dreams, One Planate consume with Care” he explained in such a way that students got motivated and they realized the environment influences and shapes our life. It is from the environment that we get food to eat, water to drink, air to breath and all the necessities of day today life. Since life basically depends on the environment, its pollution will be of great danger for life itself.

At the end of the programme the team distributed many plants to the students and the participants to inculcate in them a love for the nature.


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