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Educational Projects, Recent Events

DB Tech in Bangalore Joins Hands with Karnataka Govt. in Skills Qualification

The Inauguration of the National Skills Qualification Framework Scheme Project (NSQF) was held on 26th September at Shikshara Sadana, Bangalore. This project is aimed at introducing vocational and skill training from Class 9th up to Class 12th in 100 Composite Government Pre-University Colleges in Karnataka with the goal to make the students employable when they complete secondary education. The Project is jointly funded by Central Government and the State Government. This program establishes a system of clear educational pathways from school to higher education while providing certification of vocational skills to the successful students.

This innovative attempt by the Govt of Karnataka was inaugurated by Kimmane Ratnakara Honourable Minister for Primary & Secondary Education Govt of Karnataka, in the presence of Mr. R.V.Venkatesh MLC, Chief whip of the opposition in the legislative council, Shri Adoni Syed Saleem, the State project Director for SSA & RMSA, and other government officials. The program was attended by Principals, Headmasters of 100 schools, VTP partners, the domain instructors. Mr. CV Puroshatham Special Officer for NSQF project for Karnataka, in his keynote address enumerated the scope and goal of the project. Speaking on the occasion the Honourable Minister reminded the gathering about the far sighted vision of Gandhi in which “He advocated the introduction of craft in schools for creative self expression, practical work and learning by doing. He wanted children to develop a scientific look”. The inaugural session was followed by a motivational class for the teacher by Mr. Arunkumar Khannur and orientation about the project to the teachers.

The Govt has chosen five domains for skill training to be introduced in these schools. DB Tech had been selected as a Vocational Training provider in Automotive sector in 57 Govt. Composite pre-University colleges in Karnataka. On the occasion Fr. Jeeson Nelluvelil, Regional Co-ordinator of DB Tech, honoured the Minister with a bouquet as a sign of collaboration and partnership with the Govt. of Karnataka to implement this program. DB Tech sees it a s great privilege and opportunity to reach out to thousands of youngsters in Karnataka.

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