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Linking lives and livelihoods- DB Rozgar from BREADS

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, but it has also become a divisive factor, creating technological haves and have-nots in society. Migrants and daily wagers fall into the latter category as they cannot afford expensive tech nor are considered a viable market for investment and the development of affordable technology. The DB Rozgar mobile app is BREADS’ initiative to use technology for these people ignored by big tech and big business.

Developed exclusively for migrants and daily wagers in the unorganised sector, DB Rozgar enables them to make their presence in the digital world by creating work profiles to find suitable jobs. The app provides labourers the all-important element of choice: allowing them to access the job market directly and choose from available options. The app also supports employers to find suitable potential employees for their ventures by enabling them to create job opportunities and gain access to numerous worker profiles for direct selection.

This exciting venture from BREADS was inaugurated on 26 September by Fr Jose Koyickal, Provincial of the Salesian Province of Bangalore in the presence of the Provincial team and all the Rectors of the province. DB Rozgar for Android devices is currently available for download on Google Play Store and an iOS version will follow shortly.

DB Rozgar will be disseminated largely through the BREADS’ KISMAT programme in Kerala and Karnataka, with the help of the local Migrant Help Desks activists. We look forward with great anticipation to the success of DB Rozgar as a unique intervention, appropriate to the times and context of the migrant labour sector in India.

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