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Children's projects, Educational Projects, Recent Events

Children and NGOs appeal to the Chitradurga District Administration

The educational institutions across India are hit very badly by the COVID 19 lockdown.  The government schools in Karnataka are still shut and children are unable to attend online classes due to poor connectivity, lack of gadgets, or the absence of online classes itself. There were also a large number of economically-backward children depending on the mid-day meals provided in the schools; with the closure of schools, the nutrition needs of the children remain a concern. The closure of the schools has also led to more reports of child marriage, child labour, beggary, which also indicate that school dropouts are likely to increase.

Considering the current scenario, CHITHRA Don Bosco along with other organisations in Chitradurga- Vimukti Vidya Samasthe, Karnataka Santhi and Souharda Vedike, submitted a memorandum to the district administration on 6 August 2020, requesting immediate intervention in the following matters: distribution of text books and study materials to all the children, temporary arrangements to fulfil the nutrition needs of the children, interventions to prevent and stop occurrences of child marriage and child labour, ensuring of smooth functioning of online classes and facilities for children to attend the same. The memorandum also appealed for support to the families who lost jobs and income during the lockdown period. On behalf of all children, Ms. Chandana, representative of the child parliament, Chitradurga, submitted the memorandum seeking swift action in child-related matters.

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