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Community Development, Recent Events

A joint venture to aid tribal families in Nagarahole, Karnataka

BREADS Bangalore was happy to associate with the Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR), Good Quest Foundation, Project Vision, Aifo India and Corona Care Bengaluru in reaching out to the tribal colonies in the Nagarahole Forest East belt in Karnataka. A total of 800 families with more than 1800 children were supplied with essential items. The hamlets covered were Nagarahole Forest East belt (Aanaechowkuru aadi, Bamboochowku aadi, Janglaadi), Nagarahole Forest Central reserve area (Ashrama shaala) and Nagarahole Forest West belt (Anthrasante, Maladaadi, Aanaemala aadi, Bavalli aadi). BREADS provided poha, cookies and face masks for all the people in the colonies.

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