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CREAM, Recent Events

CHITHRA Don Bosco reached out to the nomads of Hiriyur

The lock-down seems to have affected even the nomads of Hiriyur, Chritradurga because they are unable to find enough food for their daily sustenance. This led them to ask people openly for food for mere survival. The CHITHRA team including Mr. Manjunath and Mr. Mahanthesh, CREAM social activists, travelled to Hiriyur, about 31 kms away from Chitradurga. They went into the forest and found more than 50 families living in real isolation among thorny bushes with no interference from the outside world. Eighteen families were identified as needing help and support. After interacting with them and giving them all a food kit each, the team returned; also distributing masks to the police personnel at the toll gate. Families are now beginning to come to CHITHRA Don Bosco in search of food materials. Because of the situation, CHITHRA makes the effort to verify the genuineness of the requests for supplies before fulfilling them, thereby ensuring that those in real need benefit from the COVID-19 relief programme.

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