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CREAM, Recent Events

Child Rights Education and Action Movement – CREAM, becoming a successful model for replication

People’s Action for Rural Awakening (PARA), an NGO extending its services in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states of India on Human Rights Education, visited BREADS Bangalore on 29 August 2019. The team included Mr. Job P.J- Training Coordinator, PARA, Mr. S Ambedkar- State Coordinator, Human Rights Education (HRE), Telangana, Mr. T. Ramesh- State Coordinator, HRE, Andhra Pradesh. Their visit primarily focussed on learning and understanding the Child Rights Education and Action Movement (CREAM) programme, which promotes and protects the rights of children through the active participation of children in Child Rights Clubs and the involvement  of the community and other stakeholders. The team was given insight into the functioning of the Child Rights Clubs (CRCs), their formation and participation in advocacy.  On 30 August, the team proceeded to Chitradurga district to visit the CRCs there. On arrival, the team was introduced to Don Bosco CHITHRA and the advocacy actions initiated at the district level by Fr. Sonychen Mathew, Director, CREAM project, and the CREAM staff, led by Ms. Veena, District CREAM Coordinator. The team visited two schools: Government High School, J.N Kotte, and Sri Thiruchi Mahaswami Gramanthara Government School at Malloorahalli; as well as a supplementary education centre at the government school at Koradi, for a first-hand experience of the functioning of CRCs and to interact with the children. The interactions with CRC members illustrated the impact and influence that child rights trainings have made on children, to raise their voice and draw attention towards their rights and justice. On the third day, 31 August 2019, the team continued their visit to CRCs in Bangalore. The team from PARA had the opportunity to visit the CRCs in two schools, Govt. High School Hosaguddahalli and Govt. Urdu Model Primary School Goripalya. Mr. Job and team interacted with the children to understand the dynamics of the child rights clubs. The team interacted with the CREAM staff in the districts that helped them comprehend the impact of club activities and advocacy actions initiated by children and other stakeholders in the schools and community.

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