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CREAM, Recent Events

School Enrolment Campaign at Yadgir

‘Shaale Kade Nanna Nade’ campaign has been kick-started in Yadgir district under the guidance of the CREAM staff to enroll dropouts to school in the new academic year. The campaign originally initiated by the Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR) has been creating ripples in the rural districts of Karnataka where the enrollment rates to schools in the remote villages are really low, especially of the girl children. CREAM has been organising a school enrollment campaign every year to ensure the children in the villages are entitled to schooling in line with the vision of the Government and the UNCRC.

Yadgir district began the ‘Shaale Kade Nanna Nade’ campaign at Kanchagarahalli village on 22 June 2019. It is greatly appreciable to see the children taking the lead in the movement, to educate, create awareness and propagate the right to education. The Child Rights Club (CRC) leaders and members have taken up the responsibility to convince the adults in the community, to place every child in school rather than taking them to the fields or considering them breadwinners of the family. The enthusiasm and conviction of the children is acknowledged and is melting the hardcore practices such as early marriages, child labour etc., to gradually being eliminated from the communities. The parents appreciate and understand the value of education and the enrollment rates are gradually seeing a rise in number. The children are the real heroes and sheroes, transforming the community to adopt changes and practices, which is the actual core of development.


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