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CREAM, Recent Events

Breaking paths to discover and explore the new threads of interest

CREAM (Child Rights Education and Action Movement) is passionately intervening in the lives of children to protect and prevent them from the various atrocities, dilemmas, violations and exploitations since its inception. While it focuses on the prevention of rights’ violations, it is paying same intense attention to enhance their environment for holistic growth and promotion of their rights. It is because we believe in the individuality of each child. During every summer, the ten project districts organise Summer Camps for the children from Child Rights Clubs (CRC) and the supplementary education centres to help these children have a fruitful, memorable and meaningful holidays having spent in effective engagements.

On 13th May 2019, Don Bosco CHITHRA at Chitradurga district inaugurated the 6 days Residential camp for the children from 15 villages in the district. The program began with the traditionally practiced custom of prayer song by the children. The gathering was welcomed by Mr. Sannaningappa, CREAM staff. The key note address was thereafter given by Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, Director Don Bosco Society Chitradurga. He inspired the children to make their best participation at the given opportunity where they could tap on their hidden talents and bloom full for their own good. The programme had the honour to have Mr. Mahaninga B. Nandagamvi, ASP (Asst. Superintendent of Police) who inaugurated the camp by lighting the lamp and the guest of honour was Dr. Prabhakar, President Child Welfare Committee (CWC). The other dignitaries on the dais were Fr. Sonychen, Director, CHITHRA Don Bosco, Ms. Vaishali, Master Prasanna and Master Kasim. The ceremony was concluded with the vote of thanks by Mr. Mahantesh, CREAM staff who expressed his gratitude for all who contributed their time and efforts in every possible ways for the success of this camp.

The camp has carefully scheduled the various activities for children that could enhance their talents, potentials and skills in many areas. The camp was open to all the children from the evening tuition centres and there are over 150 students participating enthusiastically at present. The children are divided into four groups and the activities are planned under the groups as competitions. The camp is awaiting for children with number of indoor/outdoor games, competitions and other excitements and entertainments.

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