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Children's projects, CREAM, Recent Events

Formation of Child Protection Committee at Kodagnuru Grama panchayath in Davangere district, Karnataka

Children acquire different capacities and degrees of maturity as they grow older. But most importantly one must not ignore the fact children are vulnerable and need protection to fulfil their rights enshrined in the Constitution of India. Constitution of India empowers the government to make protective measures through legislation and furtherance Acts like JJ act, Child labour act 1986, Child marriage prohibition act etc have been passed. The adult role is vital in protecting children and realising their rights in practical grounds. Thus the government has ordered the formation of Child Protection Committee (CPC) at community level. CREAM project initiated by BREADS has been actively involved in the protection and promotion of child rights and through trainings to various stakeholders have made remarkable steps in forming the Child Protection Committee at various villages in the ten rural districts of Karnataka.

On 8th March 2019 the CREAM staff initiated the formation of CPC at Kodagnuru gram panchayath in Davangere district of Karnataka. Mr. Manjappa, the project Coordinator delivered the concept introduction. The importance of the committee, roles and responsibilities of every member in securing the rights of children were introduced to the members. Mr. Heeryanaik, social activist of the project organised the program and the community was convinced on the primary objective of this vigilant group. CREAM has always persuaded the community to take up the responsibility of the protection of children with the support of systems existing at community level. It has succeeded to elicit the feeling of ownership of the mission in protecting children from vulnerable situations either life has forcefully laid on children or created by human involvements. The task force/ CPC include the PRIs, teachers, SDMC, parents, SHGs, NGO representatives etc who are involved in child related activities and their advocacy actions are expected to directly benefit to improve the quality of life of children in the village.

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