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CREAM, Recent Events

Children advocating to make agendas for the elected representatives

The time has played its role to mould the children as the decision makers to make a better country. The children from the Child Rights Club of Chitradurga district, from the villages of M.D Kote, D.S Halli and Mallurahalli have taken an active step forward with the support of the CREAM staff (Child Rights Education and Action Movement). 23rd February 2019 will remain an unforgettable day in the memories of these children and of CREAM as the children paid a visit to Mr. G.H Thippareddy, the honourable MLA of Chitradurga district and submitted a detailed Memorandum. The children have requested to make every effort to include the protection of the rights of children into their Election Manifesto and to practically implement the promises they have made at election campaigns into a reality. The move originated from the inspiration of a National Campaign BREADS has joined hands with the Advocacy partner, WADA NA TODO ABHIYAN (WNTA) and the campaign is titled “Let people’s realities define our national priorities”. It’s a campaign which calls over 3500 civil society organizations to steer up the state and group anchors and hold the government accountable for its promises to end poverty, social exclusion and discrimination. The campaign has intended to go ahead with the People’s Manifesto for General Elections 2019 through handover the charter of demands to MPs, members in opposition, prominent lawmakers, active media engagements, campaigning etc. The CRC children put forth their demands mainly to matters affecting their education, child labour, drinking water, sanitation, food security and health. The response of the MLA to the basic questions and requests of the children were very positive and he has promised to take the necessary and positive action on their behalf. The CREAM staff and the children are also planning to meet other major political personnel and media personnel to make their demands public.

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