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Recent Events, Women Empowerment

Building life of choice- CHITHRA SHG Marketing Store at Chitradurga

The women have definitely succeeded to gain self-sufficiency and freedom to walk the path of their choice yet cannot deny the troubling global picture of violation of women’s rights and the inequalities happening due to the cultural taboos and traditional practices. BREADS dreamt to build a nation of empowered women and its ventures were always considered the golden thread to its attainment. Now we are closer than ever and a step forward to possibilities with the inauguration of a market facility exclusively to sell the products prepared by the Self Help Groups in Chithradurga district are brought under the common roof for  sales with desired quality and quantity.

The SHG marketing store was started from July 2018 onwards and officially inaugurated on 4th October 2018. It was an incredible day for BREADS and CHITHRA Don Bosco, Chitradurga as the CHITHRA SHG Marketing Store was inaugurated by Mr.Tippareddy, the honourable MLA of Chitradurga. CHITHRA Don Bosco has been doing a big role in social service especially for children and women folk in the district for the last 22 years. The rural women were generously supported and strengthened through entrepreneurship trainings, capacity building, awareness, leadership training and finally the result is visible through the Chithra store opened by the SHG women. The chief guest specially appreciated the women for their strong decision and asserted that when women do any work together, it will always be a success. He also mentioned about the loans available to prosper the business and motivated to spread the words of encouragement to other women to come to the forefront. The occasion was solemnized by Fr. Joy Nedumparambil, Executive Director BREADS Bangalore and felicitated by Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, Rector Chithra Don Bosco. Fr. Joy addressed the gathering and wished the women success in their endeavour. He also added his desire to see the business flourished and expanded to more number of shops in coming years. Fr. Varghese Pallipuram while addressing the gathering conveyed his happiness to become a part of the programme. He also said that he was part of many training related to self-employment even earlier, but Chithra stands different as it has created a new platform to sell the products prepared by the SHGs. It earns the women an extra income while being at home. Fr. Sonychen Mathew, Director, CHITHRA Don Bosco thanked all the guests on the dais and also specially quoted the support provided by BREADS under the guidance of Fr. Joy, the Executive Director towards the new start up. Ms.Sujatha the SHG Leader shared her gratitude and honour about the training and opportunity facilitated by Chithra Don Bosco as a stepping stone to greater achievements. She specially thanked CHITHRA for the trainings and loans availed and for further extending support to start the new shop which will provide support to the SHG women who started the small scale business units to market and sell their products. The day was concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms.Veena, Coordinator, CREAM project Chitradurga. The women have great hope and expectation on the newly opened store so as to fetch them stable and decent revenue progressively. The store will exclusively sell confectionary, homemade curry masala, varieties of pickles, eco-friendly paper plates and tissue papers, incense sticks, hand crafts, fancy and decorative items.

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