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Children's projects, Recent Events, Skill Training

Training for teachers on Child Rights

Chithra Don Bosco in collaboration with Nisarga Child Rights Club Federation organized two days training and interaction programme for the high school teachers of various Government higher primary schools of Chitradurga district on 27th and 28th of August 2018. The whole programme evolved as a result of the hardwork and efforts of the CREAM staff under the able guidance of Ms. Veena, CREAM coordinator and others. The members of CRCs from the various Government schools of the district were also present for the training programme. The day began with the inaugural function chaired under the able guidance of Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, the Rector and Manager of Don Bosco Chitradurga. The ceremony was graciously inaugurated by Ms. Vaishali who also interacted with children and appreciated the efforts of Chithra Don Bosco towards the protection of children and human rights. The occasion was graced by the presence of Mr. Prabhakar, CWC Chairperson, Ms. Margaret Sampath, SICHREM, Dr. Deepak from Sri Basaveswara Hospital Chitradurga, Mr. Shanthappa, Headmaster Government Higher Primary School, Gunderi, Master Obalesh and Kumari Kaveri – representatives of Child Rights Club. While handing over the session to the resource persons, the introduction was given by Fr. Sonychen Mathew, Director of Chithra Don Bosco. The training exclusively trained teachers on the importance child rights and protection of child rights. The children also received an opportunity to raise their concerns, queries and address the child rights issues.

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