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CREAM, Recent Events

Workshop on child rights

Don Bosco Pyar, Gulbarga (Programme for the young at risk) under the CREAM project organized the workshop on child rights for the project staff from government departments and NGOs on 18th and 19th of May 2018 at Seth Shankarlal Lahoti Law College, Gulbarga, Karnataka. 40 participants took part in the workshop, namely the project coordinators and staff from Department of Women and Child Welfare Development, Child Welfare Committee, District Child Protection Unit, National Child Labour Project, Railway Childline, Margadharshi society, Hunger project. The workshop very intensively discussed on the importance of safeguarding the rights of children, child counselling, functions and role of childline, case study, interventions, documentation of cases, aftercare follow up of the children, objectives and functioning of National Child Labour Project and laws, acts pertaining child rights violations. The discussions formed strategic planning based on the identified priorities and issues faced by children. With the proper understanding of issues faced by children and having a clear cut strategy to tackle the issues can make a deep impact and big difference in the society and in the life of a child. The participants also decided to gather once in three months to share the knowledge, to evaluate, to chalk out strategies and to challenge the right violations effectively and collectively.

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