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The healing touch of the nature

Before the era of modern medicine the societies mainly developed and grasped the traditional and indigenous medicine. The traditional medicines mainly based on the knowledge, skills, practices, beliefs and traditions of different cultures and societies. But gradually the traditional medicines declined its importance with the advent of modern medicines, but it still holds the greatest knowledge to heal through nature and plants.

Our nature is full of surprises and in it grows many medicinal plants of which we are unaware and ignorant. It is good to know the nature and plants for a healing action, with this prime objective Don Bosco Hospet organized the two day training for the 50 SHG members. The two days training was dedicated to know and understand the medicinal plants in the fields around us. The training also looked at the aspects of growing up the medicinal plants which is good source of income.  The participants gained the knowledge about medicinal plants and its effective usages to many diseases. To understand the plants in the nature requires special skills and love for the plants or else all the plants just turned out to be useless bushes. The trainer elucidated the medicinal plants available in the Bellary region to get familiarize with the plants. The participants gradually learned the effective ways to treat the illness such as varicose vein, ulcer, burning stomach cough, mouth ulcer, headache, water sicknesses, throat pain, anemia, kidney stone, hair fall, migraine, menstruation problems, diarrhea and pain killer oil.

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