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BREADS welcomes Fr Rafael Bejarano Revira SDB

The BREADS team, led by Fr George-the Executive Director, was happy to welcome special visitors to its office on 16 November 2023.  Fr. Rafael Bejarano Revira SDB, In-charge of Social Works under the Youth Services of the Salesian Congregation, was visiting some of the Don Bosco Development Offices and social work centres in India, to learn about the Indian situation and perspectives with regard to youth in the social work context. Fr Rafael was keenly interested in understanding the BREADS experience through a presentation of its work in the Bangalore province, across Karnataka and Kerala. In his interaction with the team, Fr Rafael shared the larger context, perspectives, and structures in which the social work initiatives of the Salesian congregation take place across the world. It was happy occasion of sharing and mutual learning for all.

Fr Raphael was accompanied by Fr Joe Prabhu, the Executive Director of the DB National Forum for the Young at Risk (DB YaR Forum) and Fr Francis Bosco, the In-Charge Migrant Ministry, Joint Secretary, DB YaR Forum. They visited DB BEST Academy, BREADS’ vocational training centre for the underprivileged youth to interact with the trainees. They later visited a migrant camp in East Bangalore to have a first-hand understanding of their living situation and the migrant outreach work of BREADS through its KISMAT (Karnataka Interstate Migrants Alliance for Transformation) programme.

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