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Projects for the Young at Risk

Foster care

The Foster Care Programme provides alternative care for children in difficult circumstances, children who are deprived of the parental care. The foster care in a family is being widely recognized as a preferred alternative to institutionalization. The foster family provides the care for the child while being a mentor and guide. In foster care the child is placed in a family for a short or extended period of time, where the biological parents of the child are often visited, at the end of the foster care programme the child returns to his/her family. In many cases the child may be placed in a family outside his/her family relations if such an arrangement is found to be suitable for the best interest of the child.

  • Project created Wide-level awareness, advocacy network action to sensitize and popularize the concept of foster care.
  • District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) will hand over the files and details of the 12 children once the Karnataka State guidelines for foster care are in system.
  • Under this project 22 children are identified as suitable for foster cares, among them 5 children were placed in group foster care and 5 in individual foster care. The foster children were identified by the community, Bosco and NGOs.
  • 22 parents and families came forward to become foster care parents.

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    • RESSAISIR 2K24
      RESSAISIR 2K24, was organised by the Department of Social Work,