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Making it the BEST- The certification of 2nd batch and inauguration of 3rd batch at DB BEST Academy

The 2nd certification ceremony and inauguration of the 3rd batch of DB BEST Academy was held on 19 August 2017 at DB BEST academy Bangalore. 84 students from the second batch received the certification and 105 new students have made their way to the third batch of skill training. Fr. Joby Abraham SDB, Director, DB BEST academy, welcomed the gathering and introduced the dignitaries. The Chief Guest of the day was Fr. Jose Koyickal SDB, Vice Provincial, Salesian Province of Bangalore. In his inaugural address he appreciated all the students and motivated the students to dream big and to be inspiring individuals. Fr. Joy Nedumparambil SDB, Executive Director- BREADS and Mr.Rakesh Gajaria, Vice President, Deutsche Bank, through their presidential and key note address respectively, shared thoughts of encouragement and appreciated the 2nd batch students who are already employed and making themselves independent and autonomous. Other dignitaries include- Fr. Freddie Pereira SDB, Secretary Don Bosco provincial house, Fr. Dominic SDB, Administrator, Don Bosco provincial house and staff from DB BEST, DB Tech and BREADS Bangalore. The presence of the guests and invitees added the grandeur atmosphere to the programme. Mr.Satish, Mr. Antony and Ms. Lydia from second batch expressed their gratitude to DB BEST academy and shared the good moments and values learned during their training programme. The students were awarded their certificates by the dignitaries. They are primed to face the future challenges and it was a moment of pride for each of them.  It was followed by the spectacular cultural events by the students which showcased the explosion of talents and power packed performances. The ceremony ended with a Vote of Thanks and high tea.

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