Prison Ministry India and Don Bosco PYaR jointly celebrated International Women’s Day at Kalaburagi Central Prison on March 7, 2015. “Women’s day celebration with the inmates of the prison is unique”, said Mallikarjun Swami, Superintendent, Central Prison, Kalaburagi as he addressed the gathering. Lourd Mary, Member, Juvenile Justice Board, Kalaburagi exhorted the inmates to hold their head high and foster innate talents and aptitudes.
Jyoti, Counselor, CHILDLINE told the inmates to avail the services of CHILDLINE whenever their children are in need of care and protection. Jessy, Director, Asare Trust spoke on the occasion. Various games were organized for the inmates and prizes were awarded to the winners.
Vijayalaxmi, WPC, Shobhadevi, Droupati and Sudha, team members, CHILDLINE and women inmates of the prison participated in the programme. Padmavathi welcomed and compeered the programme and Irene Lobo proposed vote of thanks.

Her Journey, Our Mission
This year’s International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8, carries