Don Bosco Yuva Marg Ramanagara conducted the one day training on Child Rights for the Government officials in Sathanuru, Kanakapura Taluk. The training was attended by 13 officials from various departments like education, health, revenue and forest department, anganwadi staff, staff from village office and child welfare department. The training was inaugurated by Mr.Nagaraj, Health Inspector, Kanakapura Taluk. The training mainly covered the following topics- Human Rights, Child Rights, UNCRC, about child protection mechanisms – CWC, JJB, SJPU, DCPU and elaborated sessions on acts related to Children -RTE act, child marriage prohibition act, JJ Act, POCSO and Child Labour Act.
Santa Eve 2k24 – Special Christmas for Landslide Survivors of Wayanad
Santa Eve 2k24 was an occasion to remember, for the