Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Rescue of 50 vulnerable girl children from the streets of Bangalore, Vatsalya Bhavan

  • Bosco Vatsalya Bhavan is a centre, where 50 girl children are motivated, developed and empowered. The project had created a friendly and family environment for the girl children and meets their basic needs.
  • All the girl children, rescued from risk situation in the streets and slums were given bridge education and mainstreamed for the formal education. They are continuing their education/skill trainings from Bosco Vatsalya Bhavan.
  • Apart from formal education, supplementary educations (special tuition) are also given to the girl children to help in bringing quality changes in education especially those who are weak in their studies.
  • At present 36 girl children are going for school studies and 14 are continuing their higher studies in various courses and colleges.

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