Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Release of BREADS’ Annual Report 2020-2021

BREADS released its Annual Report 2020-2021 on 31 January 2022 on the occasion of the feast of Don Bosco at Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore. Fr. Biju Michael sdb (General Councillor, South Asia) released the report and handed the first copy to Fr. Joy Nedumparambil sdb (Economer, Salesian Province of Bangalore).

The Salesian StrennaMoved by Hope, is a fitting description of BREADS’ approach in 2020-21, to bring hope to vulnerable communities and individuals, by tirelessly supporting them in various ways to cope with the pandemic. Besides a full-time involvement in COVID relief activities, BREADS continued to empower and strengthen children and communities through capacity building and advocacy. BREADS’ Annual Report 2020-21 describes these various initiatives and their impact (click the link to read the report).

BREADS acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of all its donor partners and local Don Bosco institutions in building a better future together. Thank you for making our mission possible.

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