Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Reaching out to the Tribal Hamlets in BR Hills

BREADS Bangalore in partnership with ResponseNet, AIFO, the Good Quest Foundation, Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR) and Project Vision undertook another drive on 22 – 23 August 2020 to reach out to the tribal hamlets in BR Hills, Kollegal range, Chamarajanagara district, Karnataka.

Support was provided for 531 families in Nallikattri, Gombegallu, Keredimba, Kadakalahandi, Haavinamoole, Sebinakobe, Marathur and Jadeswamidodla hamlets. The families received grocery kits and toiletries; children were given ready-to-eat snacks, beverages, cookies and biscuits; and women were provided hygiene kits.

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