Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

No tolerance of Gender disparity

On 16th & 17th December 2018, Don Bosco Hospet conducted capacity building training on Gender Equality and Women’s Rights for the youth and ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activists) workers. About 92 participants attended the training. Gender equality, respect for women’s rights and the prohibition of all kinds of gender-based discriminations have drawn global attention since beyond a century, and these fundamental values were enshrined in our legal and constitutional framework yet it remains far to fetch dream for many women in India. The dedicated efforts and drive towards upliftment of women by government and various organizations have broken the challenge for creating a space for women in society. Yet it cannot claim to be hundred percent!

The barriers brought on women were different from region to region and culture to culture but irrespective of these differences, the freedom of women remained limited and challenging. The practice of equality for men and women should start from home where focus has to be to bring changes at the grass root level. The resource persons for the two days training were Mr.Sahadev and Mr.Veeresh from Government Hospital, Hospet. The day was graciously started with an inauguration ceremony. The sessions concentrated on general health issues and diagnosis of symptoms at early stage which women normally ignore. The youth were paused with questions on how well they care for the women in their families, which helped them to reflect and understand that women are concerned of other members in family and less attentive to their own physical wellness. Hence they are more likely to ignore the early signs of sickness and generally fall sick often. The youth were advised to bring a change in their mentality if they desired the development and progress of the society on whole. The concepts were simplified to understanding through examples of real situation of discrimination at families and society. The youth were helped to change their perspectives and attitudes towards girls and women. The quoting of example of a pregnant woman where she is ignored of her physical tiredness even at the stage of her pregnancy leading her to malnutrition well explained the idea spoken. The women even at this stage is expected to take good care of the family in spite of the physical changes and hormonal imbalances which is natural at the time of conception and the women receives the least support from the other male members of her family.

The session taken by Ms. Savithri explained the participants the difference between sex and gender and the concept of gender equality. While explaining the concept of socialization and where it begins, the resource person narrated a story of Woolf and Crane through which she briefed the difference in the understanding between men and women. The participants were stirred their thought process to analyse the cause of gender disparity in society and the means to prevent in future. The participants replied multiple answers for the cause of gender disparity. The trainer drew a picture of a tree and explained that the gender discrimination starts from family and the practice of gender equality should also start right from family level. The next session explained in detail the rights of women. Majority of the participants were ignorant of the Rights of Women and hence they were trained on the constitutionally enshrined laws and rights of women.

The training helped the youth to become aware of the rights of women and promised their participation in protecting women from exploitations, gender discriminations and other forms violence. The youth today are tomorrow’s promise of the country and hence moulding the right attitude and perspectives at the right age could make a lot of difference in the society in near future.

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