Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Meeting of Don Bosco Children’s Forum at FCDP, Kollam

Fishermen Development Community Programme (FCDP) Kollam, Kerala conducted a meeting of the Don Bosco Children’s Forum (DBCF) on 8 February 2020. A total of 51 children from the Pallithottam section of DBCF participated in the programme. The Don Bosco Children’s Forum is a new initiative of FCDP and Theeradesha Mahila Society (TMS) to organise and train the children of the fishermen community for their integral development. DBCF is divided into various sections geographically and a community organiser is in charge of each section.

The programme was held at FCDP hall and began with the inaugural talk by Fr. Joby Sebastian SDB, Director, FCDP & TMS. Several games and group activities were conducted during the session which helped the children to imbibe and develop personal skills and gain generic knowledge.

The programme was animated by Mr. Anoopraj and Mr. John Sumit, Project Coordinators, FCDP, and Mr. Job Thomas, FCDP intern. The meeting concluded with a prize distribution to the winners of various games by Sr. Cecily Paul, Assistant Director, TMS.

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