Chithra Don Bosco organized two days training on 19th and 20th of February 2018 for 40 members of Self-Help Groups from rural villages of Chitradurga on animal husbandry. The traditional and non-professional methods of animal husbandry followed in villages for livelihood did not yield them income to sustain their life. The education of poor villagers on scientific methods and right care of livestock for better production has become essential to raise the income of farmers. The sessions included the day-to-day care of animals, raising of livestock, proper feeding, maintenance of hygiene, knowledge of common diseases etc. Animal husbandry often has an idyllic place and it is deep rooted in our culture. It is a major source of income to the rural households. The sessions covered in detail about the predominant types of livestock such as dairy cows, buffalo, sheep, goats and poultry. Dr. Thippeswamy and Dr. Kumar, veterinary hospital, Chitradurga were the resource persons and Mr. Shivanna and Ms. Swetha shared their experiences in sheep rearing, buffalo rearing and dairy farming. The participants were enhanced their knowledge for practical application of these information to their livelihood activities. It would help them gain better production and earn better income through their traditional profession of animal husbandry.

Her Journey, Our Mission
This year’s International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8, carries