Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

International Migrants Day-KISMAT Karnataka

Karnataka Interstate Migrants Alliance for Transformation (KISMAT), an initiative of BREADS Bangalore, celebrated International Migrants Day with the migrant community at K. Narayanapura, Bangalore on 18 December 2022. The programme on this special day, conducted by the KISMAT coordinator and volunteers, was a demonstration of appreciation of the migrant workers, for their hard work and contribution to society. Recreational activities and games were  conducted for around 46 migrant workers and their families. Refreshments and prizes were also distributed.

It was also an occasion to share information about KISMAT’s services for the migrant workers.  Since the communities in this area are from Uttar Pradesh and North Karnataka, the programme was conducted in Hindi and Kannada to enable better understanding and participation.  The programme ended on a happy note with the migrants feeling refreshed and appreciated for their labour.

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