Don Bosco PYaR, Kalaburagi in association with Solarpack and BREADS, distributed 200 ration kits on 23,24 and 25 May 2021 in the Chincholi taluk of Kalaburagi district. The ration kits were distributed to the COVID-affected families in Mashal, Sulepet, Chimmanachode, Koodly, Chandekar, and Konchavaram villages surrounding the premises of Ekialde Sun Energy Pvt Ltd in Chincholi taluk. BREADS specially thanks Mr. Venkatesh Raju Arrama, Mr. Rameshwar Rao and other staff from Solarpack for identifying and distributing the essential kits to the families affected by COVID-19 and the lockdown in the district. Fr. Tomy Chirackal SDB, Rector DB PYaR, coordinated the distribution of kits in the villages.

From Bricks to Books
Per the 2020 estimates of the International Labour Organisation, 160