Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Workshop on Marketing and Finance Linkages

Don Bosco Hospet organized two days workshop for the members of Self Help Groups on Marketing and Finance Linkages on 24th and 25th of November 2017. 40 women from different SHGs participated in the workshop. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Anath Joshi, Director, Vikasa Seva Samasthe. During the inaugural ceremony Sr. Seema, District Coordinator […]

Exposure and Training – Myanmar Team

A team from Myanmar comprising of 12 persons including three priests, one cleric and a nun participated in the training cum exposure programme organised by BREADS Bangalore on child rights projects. The training was organised at Don Bosco Provincial House on October 17th and18th, followed by an exposure visit to Don Bosco Chitradurga, Don Bosco Davangere and […]

Bosco English Speaking Training (BEST) in Chitradurga

Bosco Youth Services, Karnataka conducted one of its regular annual programme BEST (Bosco English Speaking Training) in Don Bosco Chitradurga from 21st April to 11th May under the leadership of  Fr. Anil D’Souza, Fr. Francis Bose, Bro. Rahul and Bro. Sachin. Over 70 youth from Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala participated in the camp. Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, rector, Don […]