Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

A New Hub for Services to the Children, Young at Risk and other Vulnerable Categories of People

A beautiful, modern and well-equipped Social Work Coordination Centre for the state of Kerala as well as Skill Training Centre —DB Veedu was officially opened in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, on 26 January 2025. This much-anticipated project of BREADS with the financial assistance from JuWe, Switzerland was inaugurated by the Provincial of the Salesians of Bangalore, Dr. Fr. Jose Koyickal, and […]

Celebrating 25 Batches of Empowered Youth

On 22 November 2024, in Lingarajapuram in Bengaluru, Don Bosco BREADS’ Employment and Skill Training (DB BEST) Academy, celebrated 25 batches of 1616 successfully trained youth.  Hon. Minister for Energy and MLA of Sarvagnanagar, Shri K J George was present in his own constituency to felicitate the youth, Don Bosco BEST Academy and its partners […]

Shaping resumes!

On 27 September, as part of their ongoing association with BREADS’ DB BEST Academy, fifteen Deutsche Bank volunteers supported the students of the 25th batch with hands-on training on how to prepare a formal resume. This is a much-required skill for the students as they enter their search for employment after their training. The 72 […]