Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

DREAM Beyond Drugs on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Spreading the message of Care in Crisis on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June), Drug Rehabilitation Education and Mentoring (DREAM) teams across 10 districts in Kerala came up with innovative ways to raise awareness among more than 2000 adults and children about the adverse impact of drugs on the health […]

State-level meeting cum training for DREAM Coordinators at BREADS

Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS) Bangalore organised a state-level meeting cum training for the Drug Rehabilitation Education and Mentoring (DREAM) programme district coordinators on 16,17 and 18 June 2022 at the BREADS office. A total of eleven staff were present for the training from ten districts of Kerala (Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Ernakulam, […]

CREAM initiatives on World Day against Child Labour

The month of June highlights alarming social issues, directing our attention towards being socially responsible individuals. World Environment Day on June 5th and World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) on June 12th were the two important highlights of the month. World Day Against Child Labour reminds us to not overlook the plight of the children. Per the […]