Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Technology for Social Good: Morgan Stanley & BREADS

It was a real pleasure to be associated with our CSR partner Morgan Stanley’s Code to Give [hackathon-for-social-good], which was kicked off on 2 June 2023 with around 1400 students of top Indian colleges participating. The aim was to use technology to provide solutions to social issues being addressed by non-profits. One of the challenges […]

Empowering Lives through Education: Don Bosco Makkalalaya’s Journey of Transformation

“Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela Don Bosco Makkalalaya, implementing partner of BREADS in Mysuru, was honoured with an “Appreciation Award” during the Anti-Child Labour Day programme organised by the Mysore district administration. The award recognised their outstanding work and service in integrating dropouts, […]

World Day Against Child Labour 2023

The World Day Against Child Labour is observed annually on 12 June to raise awareness about the importance of eliminating child labour and promoting the rights of children. In 2023, the theme for this significant day was “Social Justice for All, End Child Labour.” This report highlights the activities and initiatives organised by the Bangalore […]