Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Don Bosco PYaR in Support of the Migrants in Kalaburagi

The recent COVID 19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns tremendously impacted the lives of migrant labourers from Chhattisgarh, who had been working in Kalaburagi in construction sites. Their attempts to return to their native state failed due to the strict lockdowns. Fortunately, the lifting of the lockdown and the commencement of train services relieved their […]

BREADS Reaches out to Stranded Labourers in Kolar

Images of the plight of migrant and daily wage labourers during the COVID 19 lockdown, suffering hunger and deprivation due to loss of income, have been filtering into our awareness through the media. BREADS and the Don Bosco partners in Kerala and Karnataka have been very active on the ground in seeking out and helping […]

DB Hassan’s Migrant Outreach

In the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic scenario, Don Bosco Hassan helped those migrant families from Maharashtra and Odisha in Hassan city who had no source of income due to the lockdown. These migrant families were mostly working at construction sites and had no chance of going back to their native places. Thirty-seven such migrant families […]