Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

KISMAT quarterly review meeting held at Kristu Jyothy Animation centre, Kottiyam

The review meeting of the project – Kerala Interstate Migrants Alliance for Transformation (KISMAT) was held at Kristu Jyothy Animation centre, Kottiyam on 21 & 22 November 2020. The meeting was participated by the Coordinators from 11 Migrant Help Desks (MHD), the State Coordinator and the State Director. The meeting commenced by seeking the divine […]

KISMAT touches the life of a Guest Worker in Kerala

Krishna Khakhlari (42) a native of Assam, has been a guest worker in the unorganized sector in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala since 2015. He is a daily wage worker and the only breadwinner of the family. He has a grandmother, wife and three girl children back at home. He proved  very industrious in his work and sent […]