Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Railway Grants Child Assistance Booth on the Platform

A new Child Assistance Booth was inaugurated on the 4th platform of Bangalore City railway station at 12:30 pm on 9 July under the auspices of BOSCO, Bangalore. By this the South Western Railway actualized a longtime dream of BOSCO to have a rent free space with adequate facilities for the rescue of children on […]

Ms. Lavanya, globalgiving Ambassador in India Visits BREADS

Ms. Lavanya, globalgiving’s ambassador in India visited BREADS on 19th September 2014. The purpose of the visit is to have a better understanding on the works of BREADS and how the funds mobilized through globalgiving platform are used to benefit local communities. She interacted with staff of BREADS and went through the documents of sponsorship […]