Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

We are #GenerationRestoration

This year, World Environment Day (WED) on 5 June, drew our attention to the issuesof land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience. As the generation thatinherits a host of environmental problems, it is critical that we, and especially youngpeople, grasp the importance of restoring and preserving the land, soil, and watersources. Our futures depend on our […]

Clean bowled, Tobacco!

Vaping is cool. Many youngsters in urban schools and colleges would say that. There’s a culture created around it to promote its coolness, which is probably why 23% of the college kids in an India Today survey use e-cigarettes. Gen Z vapers have their own vocabulary, memes, cartoons, videos and other social media content to […]

Leadership Training for School Children- DREAM Kannur

The Drug Rehabilitation Education and Mentoring (DREAM) programme team in Kannur organised a leadership training programme for school students named ‘VOYAGER 2K23’. The two-day residential training took place on 18-19 February 2023 at Don Bosco Arts and Science College Angadikadavu and was attended by 95 students from various schools in Kannur district. During the training, […]